BHISHO – The Special Investigative Unit(SIU) Spokesperson, Kaizer Kganyago commented on the Mabuyane-Fort Hare case following the ruling given at the Bhisho High Court this week. The judge ruled that the proclamation issued by the President only refers to Honors degree and not master’s degrees of which Premier Mabuyane doesn’t have an honors degree
“We are disappointed because we were of the view that the proclamation has got words that are basically saying we can do what we are doing but obviously we have to respect the ruling of the judge… at the end it does not say because of technicalities you have not done what we have gotten proof of you doing. This is not a clearance of the issues it is just a technical issue of how the proclamation was worded.”said the Spokesperson of SIU.
The ruling given in the Bisho legislature Legislature Court by Justice Norman was just part A and part B is yet to be concluded meaning the Premier is not out of hot water just yet.
For the University of Fort Hare, it is just business as usual for the SIU as they will keep investigating the corruption deals going on in the university.
“We will continue to argue, we are hopeful that we will still be in a position to present our case because part B deals with the merits of the case but also we will have to look at other legal avenues that we have, at the end of it all people need to understand that we need to do what we are supposed to do.”
Unfortunately for now the SIU cannot continue pending the result of Part B of the Oscar Mabuyane case.
Close but not close enough, only time will tell if fall of the Eastern Cape Premier will occur.