EAST LONDON – After the Enyobeni 21 tragic, operations of building ERF 37300 in Scenery Park were investigated by the Buffalo City Metropolitan Municipality(BCMM) after a massacre of the youth took place a year ago. An application of land use was not received by the BCMM and the departure to operate a tavern was not granted.
“It was found that there was no building plan approved and therefore the building was constructed illegally in contravention with section 4(1) of the National Building Regulations and Building Standards Act 103 of 1977.” Samkelo Ngwenya BCMM Spokeperson.
Further discoveries showed that ERF is sectioned on terms of the BCMM Land use scheme as residential Zone Single Residential(3A).
Municipality Legal Division undertook action for this claim and served the transgressor with the notice comply with the BCMM Building Standards, and Regulations to fix what happened on the building.
This legal process expects the building to be seized and demolished, the bylaws permits the Municipality to seek further actions if the transgressor fails to meet what’s needed.
We are getting closer to discovering what caused the death in this establishment, in hopes that justice will prevail for the people of Enyobeni property.